Royal IPTV | Install, Setup, and Stream 10k+ Channels

If you’re familiar with American movie classics, you may remember Gone with the Wind. That was a 1930’s Hollywood classic inspired by Margaret Mitchell and featured the then superstars Vivian Leigh, Leslie Howard, and Olivia De Havilland.

Your TV Viewing Experience is About to Change Forever!

Unfortunately, you may be out of luck if you want to watch it since the only place you can find it is on YouTube, and you won’t be able to watch it for free. However, don’t fret since an IPTV service will let you watch that movie and other classics at your convenience. It’s Royal IPTV, and you’re about to learn all about it!

What is Royal IPTV?

It is for you if you’re looking for a service that will give you the ultimate TV-watching experience. This streams content from thousands of channels around the world. You can watch various movies, shows, and serials/sitcoms at your convenience and wherever you want.

You’ll have to buy a subscription to watch the content, and it is compatible with various devices, including your computer, Firestick, Android devices, and Smart TV. You’ll have to install it on those devices before you can watch the content, but I’ll show you how to do that!

Royal IPTV Highlights

It has many amazing features that will make you wonder how you previously watched TV.

  • Crystal clear HD content
  • Simple, clear, and easy-to-view layout
  • Certain channels and categories of channels are passwords protected.
  • Customize your playlist and hide channels you never watch
  • You can watch content in different modes and customize the modes for the types of content you choose to watch (movies, live channels, serials, etc.)
  • 24/7 excellent customer support
  • An electronic Programming Guide (EPG) included
  • You can view 4k videos
  • Loads playlists quickly and superbly
  • Compatible with 3D players
  • The voice Demand option
  • You can add channels to your favorites playlist

Royal IPTV Channels

You could always Google its channels, but you live a busy life and probably have better things to do. I’ll make your life easier by listing some of the major channels. 

Royal IPTV Channels
  • General French channels
  • French news
  • French entertainment
  • General Spanish channels
  • General Italian channels
  • Bein Sports
  • Moroccan channels
  • French sports channels
  • French cinema
  • French kids’ channels
  • Portuguese channels
  • Belgian channels
  • Bein entertainment
  • Pay-Per-View channels
  • Major sports channels

Note that this is not an exhaustive list of its channels or categories. You’ll love it since it gives you options in channels and TV content that other services.

Royal IPTV Pricing Plans

  • You can choose from five plans if you sign up
  • Pay $19.99 a month for 1000+ channels, VOD, and a connection to one device
  • Pay $29.99 for two months for the same features as the first plan
  • Pay $39.99 for three months for the same features as the first plan
  • Pay $49.99 for six months and the same features as the first plan
  • Pay $79.99 for a year and the same features as the first plan

I recommend that you don’t sign up for a yearly contract since this is always changing its service offerings. For best results, pay by the month to avoid the risk of locking yourself out of certain great features, should they come in the future.

You’ll need to pay a one-time activation fee of 5.99 British pounds for one device. This site offers two different playlists for purchase. Their prices are as follows:

  • 9.99 British pounds for the Turkish playlist, which offers 100 channels
  • 9.99 British pounds for the Albanian playlist, which offers 40 channels

What to Know About Royal IPTV

I want to let you know something important may affect your decision to buy this. It would help always to use a VPN when watching its content. The reason is that it can stream copyrighted content. So, you’ll save yourself from landing in legal hot water if you use a VPN. It’s possible to find different VPNs on Google. I also wanted to let you know that it is a safe site.

It’s possible to download it on your Android phone and watch content from there. Make sure you download and use the Downloader app if you choose this option.

Installing on any Android Device

Before I tell you how to install it on an Android device, I need to inform you that you can’t install it on any device if you haven’t gone to its official website and registered for a subscription. 

Royal IPTV Installing on any Android Device

Follow these steps to install this on an Android Device:

  • Turn your device on and click on the Settings app. That will open it.
  • Go to settings and click on the security option. Next, enable the Unknown sources. That’s the only way you’ll be able to install it.
  • Go to any web browser and type Search in the search field
  • Go to a reliable website to download the apk file
  • You’ll see an app installation screen. Be sure to select the Install button
  • Open the app. That action will activate the app and allow you to add playlists to the content you will watch.
  • You can now watch Royaon on any Android device.

Installing Royal IPTV on LG Smart TV

Installing Royal IPTV on LG Smart TV
Installing Royal IPTV on LG Smart TV

These steps will allow you to install it on an LG Smart TV:

  • Turn your LG Smart TV on. Next, go to your remote control and press the home button.
  • Go to the More Apps section on your TV
  • Select the LG content store 
  • Type Royal IPTV app in the search field and select it when it appears in the search results
  • Select the install button. You have now installed it on your LG Smart TV.
  • You need to open the app to activate it and access your playlists.

Installing on Amazon Fire Stick

Installing on Amazon Fire Stick
Installing on Amazon Fire Stick

Following these steps will let you install it on your Amazon Firestick device.

  • Power your Amazon Firestick device on and ensure it’s connected to the Internet.
  • Go to the find tab and click on the search option.
  • Use the virtual keyboard and type in words Downloader app. Then navigate to the option and click on it. 
  • Install the Downloader app on your TV
  • Navigate to the settings tab on your TV’s home screen. You’ll see the My Fire TV option; select it. Then click on the Developers Options 
  • Select the install unknown apps button and click on the Downloader app.
  • Click on the turn-on option. Doing so will let you install unknown apps from other sources, like beast IPTV
  • Navigate to the Downloader app on your TV and click the Accept button in the prompts section.
  • Go to the URL field and type in file apk URL
  • Select the GO button. This action will allow the app to download.
  • You’ll be taken to the next screen, where you’ll see the Install button. Click on it.
  • The app will be installed. Select the open button once the installation is completed.
  • You’ll launch the app, and you are free to watch the content.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it legal to use Royal IPTV?

That’s a tricky question to answer. While the site is safe, I can’t easily determine if Royal IPTV is legal. I know some of its content may not be, so I recommend you always use a VPN when watching it.

How many channels does Royal IPTV show?

Royal IPTV shows 1000+ channels, which are grouped into categories by content.

What devices can you install Royal IPTV on?

You can install the service on any digital or mobile device in existence.


You are no longer at the mercy of ruthless TV providers. It puts you in control and gives you unimaginable freedom when watching TV. The world is now your oyster since you can watch Russian, American, and Indian soap operas or other channels from around the world at your convenience and wherever you are.

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